Dear Jami and Zach,
Let me tell you a mystery I’ll never fully understand. It’s an important mystery.
We need Truth
Like it or not, we are all looking for Truth. I believe we all have a longing to know what is True in this life and what isn’t. I think every honest person has a sense that they are broken and we are searching for answers or “Truths”. It’s like there is something inside of us that knows something is off; but who can tell us what “right” is? I understand we all have “truths” in life that are unique to who we are and our own experiences. But what about “Truths” with a capital T that are true for everyone? How many of those are there and who can tell us what they are? It seems our culture doesn’t like this topic, but our longing for it is clear. When we see injustice. When we see something wrong and want the world to change. Or when we see something beautiful and we want the whole world to see it. The X-Files were right, “The Truth is out there”; but who can see it clearly?