Dear Jami,
You are a blessing to me everyday. You are funny, beautiful, awkward in the best of ways, artistic, unafraid to be yourself and one of the deepest joys that God has given me to be your dad.
Everyday I am in awe of you.
I am also seeing that being a dad is hard, and that I’m too hard on you when I know God wants me to be gentle. As much as I love you, I’m aware that I’m capable of hurting you too.
The purpose of this blog is for me to put into writing things I’m working through, beautiful things I see in you and to point you to the mysteries of Jesus.
I am so proud to be your dad and I hope that in time God transforms my heart into a “gentle and quiet spirit” where you are free to be your full beautiful self.
I love you,
- Preparing for Your First U2 Show On June 18th we are going to see U2 as a family!
- Brave Enough to Paint Hayshire Elementary School
- Grace & Truth: A Total Mystery To Me
- How can a picture be so sad and so beautiful?
- Happy 5th Birthday Jami I am always yours
- “You’re wrong” vs. “This is beautiful, isn’t it?” Why I struggle to explain the gospel
- Not so high. Not so low.
- 100% God; 100% You God is for you, but you still have to work too.